Here’s a top-secret, super-classified way to save tons of money on craft supplies.

Are you ready?

Are you sure?

Put new craft supplies away as soon as you get home from the store.

For reals. It’s that simple.

Don’t believe me?

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How many times have you bought art supplies on sale, only to later discover a bag full of completely new duplicates hanging on the back of a door somewhere?

How many times have you bought art supplies on sale, only to later discover a bag full of completely new duplicates hanging on the back of a door somewhere? Click To Tweet

More than once?

More than twice?

Yeah, me too.

“How many times have you bought art supplies on sale, only to later discover a bag full of completely new duplicates hanging on the back of a door somewhere?”

There are two principles at work here: Out-of-Sight, Out-of-Mind and the Myth of Visual Cues.

We all know the Out-of-Sight, Out-of-MindĀ principle.

Tuck something to the back of the closet, and you’ll forget about it.

Let that unpaid bill fall to the bottom of a stack of paperwork and you’ll soon be receiving an overdue notice.

Same with brand new items in a bag; stow that bag somewhere instead of emptying it when you get home, and you will forget about the purchase in a shockingly quick amount of time.

The Myth of Visual CuesĀ is the mistaken belief that if we leave something out, it will serve as a reminder to deal with it.

Does that really work for you?

Nah, me neither.

What happens instead is that we stop seeing the item, and it quickly blends into our day-to-day landscape.

And when it blends into all our other stuff, it just becomes…clutter.

And we forget about it.

“The Myth of Visual CuesĀ is the mistaken belief that if we leave something out, it will serve as a reminder to deal with it.”

And we buy a duplicate next time we notice it at the store.

Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

So, next time you walk into the house or your craft room with a fun new purchase from the craft supply store, take a few minutes to unpack it and put it away.

Not only will you be able to use it next time you work, but you’ll save money in the long run by not purchasing zillions of duplicates.


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