Does your art or craft studio look like it has been hit by a hurricane? Time to find some motivation to clean and organize your space. Follow these 7 tips to find your inner neat freak!

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  • Before you start, take a few minutes to visualize what you want to accomplish. Artists are visual people, and holding an image of what you want your studio to look like will help drive you.
  • Overthinking every decision or feeling paralyzed by the critical voices in your head? Turn that part of your mind off by listening to a podcast while you move through cleaning and sorting.
  • Break the whole mess down into small tasks. “I will pick up and put away all the paints into their bins” is a more manageable and specific task than the overwhelming “I will clean my whole studio by noon.” Do enough of these little actions, and they’ll soon add up to a big change.

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  • Can’t get started? Set a short time limit, say 15 mins, to do a quick clean-up task. After the timer is up, you may feel inspired to keep going, but even if you aren’t, your studio will still be better for it!
  • Make a big move. Is there something big and dramatic that would help your space but you’ve been putting off? Maybe getting rid of a clunky piece of furniture that’s taking up too much space or painting a wall a bright color? Starting off with a blockbuster change can make you feel great about your space and spur you on to tackle the smaller decluttering items on your list.
  • Call in reinforcements. Have another artist friend in the same boat? How about trading some studio clean-up time so you can be each other’s taskmasters? Some people need an external cheerleader to motivate; if that’s you, don’t be afraid to ask a friend for help.

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